Online Chat

Why You Need a Video Chat Plugin for Your Website

April 13, 2021
table of Content
Alan Anthony Catantan
Freelance Content Specialist @ AtomChat
5 min read

If you’re here wondering whether or not you should invest in installing a good old chat plugin to your community or marketplace website, let me assure you in one sentence:

Installing a video chat plugin for website makes a whole lot of difference.

Is it because of the effects of the pandemic? Well, it’s a yes and a no…

Even before the pandemic, interactions through video, whether that’s video chatting or video conferencing, were already popular.

In fact, statistics show that more than half of businesses in early 2019 already use some sort of video tool for their everyday operations.

More so today when most people avoid meeting face-to-face.

If you look at Google Trends for the term “video chat”, you could see that the search for it exploded sometime around March 2020, which hasn’t been the same ever since.

Now, imagine how it would feel if you have your own video platform right on your website — no need for your users to leave your site and use third-party platforms like Zoom and Skype. Everything is a single click away from your homepage.

Benefits of Using a Modern Video Chat for website

There are a lot of possible benefits that come with installing a plugin for video chat for website. Though we certainly can’t list all of them here, the ones listed here are the most prominent ones.

1. Collaboration of Remote Teams

Remote teams who are using your community website won’t have to use any other software to be able to collaborate online. All they need to do is activate the plugin that enables Video chat for website and they can hold a team conference anytime they want.

Usually, teams use video calls for check-ins. Seeing each other’s faces could help the team’s connection and make the meeting more meaningful. Additionally, features like screen sharing and brainstorming help teams collaborate better. 

2. Live Showcases and Walkthroughs

Having a video chat for website functionality gives off a whole lot of difference for marketplace websites during this time. In fact, it’s the perfect solution now that most people can’t (or won’t) go to physical stores to browse products.

Imagine being able to showcase your products to your potential customers without them needing to leave your website. Or maybe, walk them through your warehouse virtually instead of having to give them all the links to your products. That’s the power of Video chat for website.

3. Live Video Support

Answering questions and providing support with video and audio hits differently compared to using only texts. The human touch and genuineness help people connect with each other on a more personal level.

In addition, those who need support would appreciate the extra capability to be able to air their complaint or question. Imagine how much it would help if doctors would be able to see their patients while doing teleconsultation!

It can be arranged quite simply by installing a Video chat plugin for website and making your website video chat compatible. 

4. Simple User Monetization

This one is rather unique as it’s more geared to you — the owner of the website or platform where you will be installing the video chat plugin. The short version is that you could earn even more by simply installing a video chat plugin to your website.

How? Simple — you could create membership levels on your website and offer premium access to certain features. You could also charge per minute or per message sent. Or, if you prefer the less aggressive approach, you could run ads on the platform.

Must-Have Features of a Video Chat Plugin for Websites

Discussing the benefits of a video chat plugin would seem hollow if there were no features to support it. Video chat for websites empowers you with ultimate creative control to build engaging communication experiences. That’s why in this section, we’ll be talking about three must-have features of a video chat plugin you need to watch for.

Note that we will not be including the fact that a video chat plugin must be able to provide you with the capability to hold a video and audio conference. It’s a given. However, make sure the plugin of your choice supports high-definition video/audio calling and conferencing.

1. Screenshare Integration

Being able to talk and see each other during team meetings may somewhat help in collaboration. But imagine the difference it would make if you could share your screen and show them exactly what you mean.

Again, there are big platforms out there that support this functionality, like the current king of video calling and conferences from Microsoft. However, it’s quite different when that functionality is available along with video chat for website in a single click.

2. Brainstorming (Whiteboard Ideation)

Being able to share your screen with others is already awesome. However, as great as it is, it’s only a one-way street. Those you’re chatting with can’t really interact with your screen and make some output.

Now, it’s a different story if the modern video chat plugin has some way to allow users to contribute and ideate with each other. Having a whiteboard ideation tool would take the collaboration of your users to another level.

3. White-Label Mobile Apps

It is already great to be able to access all the features of video chat for website on a desktop. But what if there was a way for users to engage with the chat even if they’re not on your website?

That’s where features like white-label mobile and desktop apps enter the scene. It is super convenient to have all the features of video chat for website also available through mobile. If your preferred video chat plugin supports this feature, your users could talk with each other everywhere and anytime without having to constantly check in on the website.

Get Started With AtomChat

If you would love to have those features mentioned above on your website and provide them to your users, then there’s no need to look further. We’re pleased to inform you that AtomChat can effortlessly do all those things and more.

Whether you’re using WordPress, BuddyPress, Drupal, or some other platform, you can easily integrate AtomChat for Video chat for website. In fact, you can do it yourself as we do strongly support the no-code movement.

Check out now to learn more about all these features and try out any of our plans for seven days.

Alan Anthony Catantan

Alan is a freelance content specialist @ AtomChat. He currently resides and works from the Philippines.

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